Predictive Index System®


The Predictive Index® survey guides data-driven decisions in four practice areas: Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Growth Strategy and Change Management. Having predictable and repeatable people-data will allow you to find and hire top talent, build teams and leaders, build trust to manage change, influence productivity and drive sales performance. By understanding the natural workplace behaviours of prospective and existing employees, you have the unique ability to create, manage, and coach your team using people-smart data. For over 55 years, we have enabled leading companies to achieve a higher level of financial success through lower costs and increased revenues.



The Predictive Index (PI) assessment: for individuals

Predictive Index (PI) 
The Predictive Index behavioral assessment is the foundation of the Predictive Index system, with more than 2 million assessments completed every year. It is a science-based assessment that provides managers with accurate, actionable data quantifying the unique motivating needs and behavioral drives of each employee and potential employee.

Why the PI assessment?

  • Quick and Easy to Use: The PI is a practical, quick, and easy-to-use solution for gathering employee insights. The assessment takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and allows for clients to interpret results on a candidate or employee immediately.
  • Based in Science:  The Predictive Index is work-related, free of bias, valid and reliable. Designed to help employers comply with their obligations under the EEOC’s(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, it can be used for both selection and career development opportunities. We’ve conducted hundreds of statistical studies demonstrating the extent to which the PI predicts workplace performance. These studies cover dozens of industries, such as healthcare, financial services, hospitality, business services, transportation, manufacturing, and many others.
  • Broadly Applicable:  The PI is used widely across multiple industries, jobs, levels, company sizes, growth trajectories, and business models. It is available online in 68 languages, and is used in more than 140 countries. A paper-based version of the PI is available in Braille.
  • Unlimited Internal Use: The PI is based on an annual investment basis reflecting the client’s size, making it extremely flexible and scalable. This unique approach provides clients with unlimited internal use of the instrument with candidates and employees, allowing use of the PI throughout the organization.
  • Self-Sufficient: The Predictive Index system is built on a model of self-sufficiency rather than per click or consultant dependency. Managers are trained on the use and application through the PI Management Workshop™, the companion Knowledge program to the PI assessment. This program is often referred to by participants as the best management development program of their careers.

The PRO survey: for jobs

The PRO is a job analytics tool that allows clients to quantify the behavioral requirements of any specific job, at any level, within their organizations. Created through input from multiple stakeholders, the client-defined output provides a PRO or “target” for the role. Armed with this information, hiring managers are better equipped to evaluate the job fit of candidates. By using the PRO before making a hire, clients can achieve better agreement on the behavioral requirements for any role, resulting in clear expectations which help the individual succeed right from the start.

Why the PRO survey?

  • Works with the PI:  The PRO works with the PI assessment, allowing clients to evaluate the potential similarities or dissimilarities between the behavioral requirements of the job and the behavioral needs of the candidate. This gives clients concrete data about a candidate’s fit for a particular job and where potential challenges may exist.
  • Provides insight for behavioral interview questions: The PRO, used with the PI, allows clients to develop targeted behavioral interview questions to be used in the selection process. Once an employee is hired, the PRO and PI data, as well as that from the interview and other sources, can be used to inform the most effective onboarding and development plan to support the employee going forward.

The PRO – find the right people for the right roles

The PRO allows managers to identify the behavioural requirements of any position. Performance Requirement Options™ (PRO) helps you to objectively uncover specific behaviours that lead to optimal job performance in any role, at any level, across your organisation.

The PRO is designed to work hand-in-hand with the Predictive Index® (PI®) to find that critical match between the requirements of the job and a person’s ability to do the job. The PRO is an important component of the Predictive Index System and is included with your Predictive Index license at no additional charge.

Build an in-house objective talent acquisition process and get a stronger job fit every time. Anyone can complete the PRO. From our experience, we find that a variety of perspectives, such as managers, experienced incumbents, internal customers, and influencers, yield the best results. Your Managing Principal can provide assistance in this process and give you additional insight about the job patterns of similar jobs in other organizations. Our Science team has conducted hundreds of industry-specific job profiles created through validity studies.

Benefits of the PRO

  • Create job profiles which highlight exactly the right behaviours for success in any role
  • Reduce the time you spend on low-calibre candidates attracted by ineffective job adverts
  • Collaborate with your overseas colleagues to create online job profiles
  • Select more suitable people from your interview processes, knowing exactly who you need beforehand
  • Place the right personalities in the right roles, and see how they naturally excel on the job



To leverage the benefits of our Behaviour Suite solutions, you have continuous online access to tools and data that support a fast-paced and analytical decision-making process. You collect, analyze, and apply assessment data through our technology platforms, including robust integrations to industry-leading applicant tracking systems (ATS) and human resource information systems (HRIS) applications. Convenient system-generated reports, available in 19 languages, help you apply and communicate preliminary behavioral insights quickly and easily.

accessPI is a complimentary, powerful, and easy-to-use software solution that provides all Predictive Index clients with secure online access to their valuable PI assessment data. The data resides on highly secure central servers, from which you define who within your organization has access, as well as what they can see and do within the program. In addition to intuitive online help features, PI Worldwide provides two weekly live webinars in English for any client wishing to leverage this powerful technology solution to its fullest.

Global access with accessPI
Clients securely administer PI and PRO assessments electronically anywhere in the world. By eliminating geography from the recruitment equation, and leveraging the 65 languages into which the PI has been translated, you can consider more candidates and easily share observations, ideas, and strategies with their teams.

Client defined and client controlled: accessPI’s robust administrative features allow you to create easily your own folder structures, access rights, password formats, and much more. Powerful functionality enables you to search, view, organize, share, and analyse all of your assessment data with other authorized users.

accessPI-Connect™ (“Connect”) is an optional online enhancement to accessPI that seamlessly integrates the Predictive Index assessment into your own web-based recruiting or HR initiatives. We’ve integrated Connect into approximately 20 web-based solutions, including Oracle/Taleo Business and Enterprise Editions, for which we are an Oracle Validated Integration Partner. With Connect, the delivery of the PI is automated, and applicants complete all online requirements consistently and in one comprehensive and time-efficient experience. All PI data generated is stored and accessible in accessPI. Connect is available in two editions to meet the varying needs of our clients:

  • Survey Edition: Survey Edition administers the PI assessment directly through your website, ATS, or HRIS. You access your data directly through your standard accessPI accounts.
  • Enterprise Edition: For clients seeking additional convenience, functionality, and a single sign-on solution, Enterprise Edition provides all the benefits of Survey Edition while allowing convenient access to Connect-generated PI data directly from the ATS or HRIS. You can leverage additional functionality such as emailing, downloading, viewing, and printing.



Since our very first client in 1955, knowledge transfer has always been essential to our methodology. It is one of our core beliefs that clients benefit most when they develop their own internal subject matter experts who can continue to leverage the power of the Predictive Index system for sustainable, repeatable business results. We incorporate best practices in learning and leadership development to ensure ongoing reinforcement through our education programs and online resource center.

Predictive Index Management Workshop

The Predictive Index Management Workshop combines instructor-led classroom learning with web-based preparation and reinforcement to put predictive data and insights to work for your organization right away. Many participants have shared that this learning experience is the most transformative and useful management training they’ve ever had.

By the end of this in-depth workshop, you are certified as a “Predictive Index Analyst” and leave the course understanding yourself, your teams, and your organization in entirely new ways. You learn to leverage PI data for job modeling, selection and hiring, leadership development, succession planning and many more applications. Experienced PI consultants teach you how to harness the power of the PI assessment, become proficient in the process, interpret data, deliver feedback, and use these insights to work with individuals and teams at your own organizations. The PI Management Workshop opens the door to a powerful perspective and method for achieving both immediate- and long-term business results.


To help ensure the highest levels of success, you are assigned one Managing Principal from Clavis. As part of our unlimited access pricing model, these business professionals continually guide you as you develop into a full subject matter expert. They will help advance your company’s analytical capabilities, and are available to apply your Predictive Index data and insights to your specific business needs. Each Managing Principal is committed to providing you with the best experience while maximizing the impact of the PI in your organization. Learn more about our team.